Our Mission
Judd's Legacy was founded to bring awareness to Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) in memory of Judd William Gardner, a baby that ICP robbed of the chance to draw breath. ICP is a liver condition brought on during pregnancy that, in its most severe cases, results in stillbirth. The only treatment is delivery, of which timing necessitates close monitoring and repeat clinical testing for bile acids, a byproduct of liver function.
The mission of Judd’s Legacy is to raise public awareness and medical professionals' knowledge of ICP and promote much-needed testing for mothers experiencing ICP symptoms. Judd's Legacy, through its outreach, supports women affected by ICP to help them advocate for their unborn child.
Judd’s Legacy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit actively educating the public through social media and public speaking. A goal of the organization is to partner with a South Carolina laboratory to offer total serum bile acid assay testing to pregnant women for diagnosis of ICP and monitoring until birth. To that end, the organization is actively fundraising through individual donations, corporate sponsorships, and an annual 5K run.
Bile acid labs
now in SC
The first in-house bile acid lab for the state of South Carolina began November 1, 2021
at PRISMA Health in Greenville, providing results in 3 hours.
"Judd didn’t get a chance to pave his path and make his own legacy, but I am determined to find a way for him to still do so, and I believe this is it. We are going to save as many babies as we can by sharing our story and bringing awareness. And as for us, we will hold Judd in our heart until we can hold him in heaven."